- Nimi
- Jenna
- Syntymäpäivä
- 01.04.1993 (31,94v)
- Siviilisääty
- Kihloissa käyttäjän
Milke kanssa - Suuntautuminen
- Bi
- sfxbyjenna
- Rekisteröitynyt
- 20.04.2016
- Status:
- Poissa
- Nähty:
- 00:08 12.1.2025

You know whenever there's a chance
I'll tell you that you're amazing as you are
'Cause when you give me a glance
I'm sure that I see the universe in your eyes
Don't you ever tell yourself that you're not enough
I am certain that you're truly fine
You are a miracle, miracle
You are youtiful
Stray Kids - Youtiful
I'll tell you that you're amazing as you are
'Cause when you give me a glance
I'm sure that I see the universe in your eyes
Don't you ever tell yourself that you're not enough
I am certain that you're truly fine
You are a miracle, miracle
You are youtiful
Stray Kids - Youtiful
Kaverit (14)